Concerned Parents UK Mission statement.
In 2017, two groups of patriotic Brits came together and organized the biggest patriotic street movement in modern British history. Thousands of football fans and veterans came together in Central London to protest the terrorist atrocities that had been perpetrated against men, women and children in London and Manchester. 70,000 protesters took to the streets to stand against terror and the religious fanaticism that led to the attacks. Over the past six years, relationships between the members of these Groups have been cemented, and a formidable mass movement has been quietly forming. This movement, when necessary, is ready to stand up for the weak, oppressed, and defenceless.
The recent attacks in Nottingham that left three innocent people dead and the violent attacks by ANTIFA on women and teenagers at recent Events have woken a sleeping giant. The time has come for this giant to stand up and be counted.
We are also seeing the same pattern emerging, that we saw in 2017, where failed states, with close connections to Britain, are fermenting and growing terror cells that could launch a terror campaign in the UK. These fanatics could also inspire or motivate homegrown extremists to attack us once again. Sadly, we are all too aware, that a mass casualty attack on our country is highly likely and could be imminent.
That is what the 15th of July is about, standing up against the terrorists, the Marxist boot boys and the bullies, wherever we find them.
The Veterans and football lads will once again come together to stand against tyranny.
This is what we stand against.
We stand against: –
Identity politics in all its forms. We believe as famously said by Martin Luther King Jr that men and women should be judged by the content of their character and not the colour of their skin.
Racism and bigotry in all its forms including, religious supremacism, Antisemitism, White supremacy, Anti-white prejudice and bigotry, and Anti-British bigotry. Petty nationalism whether English, Irish, Scottish, or Welsh, and the hatred and bigotry they breed, must all be condemned.
We stand against the evil of Marxism, in all its guises, and against the terror-linked ANTIFA and the boot boys of the SWP (Socialist Workers Party).
We are patriotic to the core, we love our nation and all our fellow Brits irrespective of race or creed, our patriotism is a UK-wide patriotism that is inclusive of all who love this country and have the best interests of our nation and its people at heart.
However, we vehemently oppose those who treacherously sell our nation out for 30 pieces of silver, who undermine our great heritage and who despise our children’s birthright.
We stand against the corruption and wickedness in high places that are blighting our political class, the internationalism and globalism that despises the nation-state. We stand against those who have facilitated the trafficking of 100,000s of predominantly young men from countries that do not share our values, into the UK. That includes the media, judiciary, the government and opposition, all of whom have done nothing to stop, and in some cases encouraged illegal migration to the UK.
We stand against the anti-child agenda of many of the political leaders in the UK who are allowing children to “change” their sex in their teens.
We stand against the explicit nature of sex education in schools, and the disturbing drag queen story times that are taking place in pubs and libraries around the country.
We stand against all attempts by the government to coerce and intimidate the people of the UK. They work for us, we are not their slaves.
What we believe: –
We believe in Freedom, equality, democracy and sovereignty.
Freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom of assembly, freedom of conscience and freedom of religion. We oppose any restrictions on these freedoms, under any circumstances.
We believe in equality before the law, that all people are made equal and should be treated with the respect and dignity that every human being deserves.
We are democrats but we believe our democracy is being undermined and we will challenge the enemies of democracy wherever they might be.
We believe in the sovereignty and structural integrity of the UK. The UK is better together and the whole is greater than the parts.
We fully accept the national pride in the regions and countries that make up the UK, but we should act as a family of nations not warring tribes. This is vital for the prosperity and cohesion of the parts of the UK that make up the whole.
We believe mass migration is not just damaging to the indigenous population of the UK but also to the settled migrant communities of the UK, and this can and is damaging social cohesion.
What we want
We want a future for our children and grandchildren, in a United Kingdom that is prosperous, peaceful, secure and free.
We want our national borders to be protected and our culture to be cherished and not despised.
We want to see peaceful and harmonious communities, living side by side, without the fear of violence or intimidation from any other part of the population.
We want to see an end to radical religious supremacy and the oppression and destruction it brings to the population, but particularly to women, children and those who leave the said religious communities.
We want to see an end to the criminal gang culture, that has led to the knife crime and drug epidemics, that plague our country.
We want to see an end to the so-called “woke” agenda and the divisive identity politics that seeks to divide us by race, sexual orientation, and religion.
We want to see justice for the victims of all terrorism in the whole of the UK.
We want to see more protection of girls from the so-called grooming gangs that have blighted a generation of vulnerable young girls.
We want mass migration to the UK to come to an end and the number of migrants coming to the country to be limited to less than 20,000 per year, for a period of 10 years.
We want all illegal migrants who come to the UK to be deported without the right to appeal.
We acknowledge the plight of some asylum seekers but believe that the system is being abused, by criminals and opportunists. We are all agreed that genuine asylum seekers should be given a haven, but that there should be a system in place that is only used by genuine claimants.
In summary
We want our United Kingdom to be, Secure, peaceful, prosperous and free.
Our group will use all legal means, at its disposal to achieve this goal.
Signed by